Monday, December 23, 2013

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Annami Mailovich
From Annami Mailovich
Internship as lifestyle and entertainment journalist at Beeld, Media 24
Potgietersrus Area, South Africa

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Annami

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Extended Warranty and Service Plan on your car

Extended Vehicle Warranty - Newsletter
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SMS Quick Quote:
SMS* CARE + Your Name to 31882
*Standard SMS rates apply. Please send us your name so you can get your personalised quotation.

Now You Can Afford It!

Keep your car in good running condition. Affordable options to suit every pocket.

We will provide you with quotes for an extended vehicle warranty, 4 plans are available to suit every pocket.

Car rental option when your car is in for repairs, or out of town accommodation.
Service benefits included in certain plans.
Maintain the resale value of your car.
Monthly premiums, no up front fees or lump sum payments.
4 Easy to understand plans available, that cover your car for the rest of its life.
Enter your details once and you will be contacted within 24 hours.
Terms & Conditions  |  Unsubscribe COPYRIGHT ©cars-warranty 2012

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

✈ Win a Designer trip to Amsterdam, Berlin & Paris with Citymob, Travelstart & Netflorist.

Designer Europe
  Handcrafted Travel by the experts at
Citymob, Travelstart & Netflorist
– 2 Return flights:
– Amsterdam, Berlin & Paris
– 8 nights hotel accommodation
– Overnight train
– Sight seeing tours in each city
– Hotel transfers and travel insurance
for a year
From Netflorist
– Worth R6000
– 12 x R500 floral arrangements
R2500 worth
of vouchers
From Travelstart & Citymob
2 x shopping vouchers worth R2500
– 1 x R1500 Citymob voucher and
– 1 x R1000 Travelstart flight voucher
          =   Enter to Win  
If you no longer wish to receive promotional email, you can Unsubscribe at any time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Stel jou voor - en onthou daai nommer

Kyk net hier - stel jouself voor... ek het 'n deel van hierdie roete gekruis laas. Maar baie kortstondig. Was maar 5 dae in die berge. Hierdie is vir 17 dae. In die middel van die winter. Na bewering en glo is dit steeds wonderlik. Net moer koud en ek moet waarskynlik begin hardloop, pushups doen en hike (met iets op my rug) - op so lang trip sal ek darem nie sommer weer sonder 'n sherpa die malligheid aanpak nie. Dis in elkgeval te bleddie koud.

Onthou groot asb om die naam van die vrou by die 17 augustus se funksie se besonderhede aan te stuur. Ek wil baie graag gaan.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Terrific Thailand for Two

Terrific Thailand for Two
view in your browser
Win a trip to Thailand
1st Prize
Grand Prize includes:
- 2x Return flights to Phuket
- 8 x Nights accommodation
- All transfers
- A Citymob voucher valued at R2 000
Enter To Win!
Plus, runners up can win too!
Win an iPad Mini 16GB, WIFI & 4G
2nd Prize
apple ipad mini  
Win 1 of 3 Citymob vouchers
3rd Prize