Friday, December 19, 2008

The beginning of Africa our Home

Good morning!

This morning on the radio programme Monitor on RSG our project Africa our Home was announced for the first time.

Within minutes after the programme the first reactions came in. Everyone was positive about the idea.

What is happening at this stage?

Our ex-FSA participants can apply until the 31st January 2009.

We announce the names of the 4 selected participants in our AoH project middle February.

The chances are good that our AoH participants may get the chance of not only sending written reports back to South Africa but also do short radio reports on the progress of the trip.

We know that we live in an imperfect world. We know that with any dream there may be setbacks. That is not reason enough to not embark on this project.

We want to live in South Africa. We want to flourish here. We want South Africa to be the home of all its children.

Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen. Lee Iacocca

Die begin van "Africa our Home"

Goeie more!

Vanoggend op RSG se aktualiteitsprogram Monitor is die eerste keer oor ons projek Africa our Home berig.

Binne minute daarna het die eerste reaksie ingekom: Almal was positief!

Wat gebeur op dié stadium?

Ons oud-FSA deelnemers wat belangstel, kan tot 31 Januarie 2009 aansoek doen.

Middel Februarie maak ons die name van die vier gelukkige AoH-deelnemers bekend.

Ons werk ook in die rigting dat die vier buiten die berigte wat hulle gereeld Suid-Afrika toe gaan stuur, moontlik ook op gereelde basis oor 'n radiostasie kortliks oor die vordering van die projek gaan verslag doen.

Ons projek is ambisieus in 'n wêreld wat nie volkome, perfek, is nie. Ons weet wat ons wil bereik. Ons weet dat daar talle terugslae op ons drome kan wag. Dit gaan ons egter nie afskrik nie.

Ons wil in Suid-Afrika leef en floreer. Ons wil Suid-Afrika die tuiste van AL sy kinders maak.

Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen. Lee Iacocca